Hi Patricia , looking forward to reading more of your writing ... you should find my poetry here ... best wishes

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May 26Liked by Patricia Cusack

Change requires both courage and a sense of letting go, of acceptance. It’s definitely not something most people find straightforward. I’ve had to accept no longer being able to do certain things because of injury and illness, but once I felt well enough and stopped fighting my reality I opened up to new possibilities. To change. Thank you, Patricia, for a lovely piece 🙏💕

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Thank YOU, Francesca! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and that it resonated with you.

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Thank you, Patricia.

Yes change is scary and can be uncomfortable but sometimes it is necessary. As we age, we often get ourselves into a rut. We go about the same mundane tasks on a daily basis. Change can bring a renewed vitality to relationships as well. However, change can also bring about negative issues in relationships when both partners are not on the same page. One may embrace change and view it as a renewed lifestyle whereas the other partner may be quite happy with continuing along the safe, known path. Finding the compromise is the challenge.

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Yes, routine can be become a rut and a change can bring renewed energy and motivation. I agree that compromise in relationships is important. I'm so glad you enjoyed my piece.

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Change is scary and uncomfortable. Even good change.

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Even good change is unsettling isn't it, Pamela? I totally agree. Thank you for your feedback on my post.

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Thank you Patricia, a very insightful and helpful post. You are right we struggle with the fear of change rather than the change itself when it happens. There are changes in our lives that can be absolutely devastating that we never asked for, massive changes that free us yet we have worried about them endlessly and simple smaller changes that improve our lives vastly. We survive change. 😘😘😘

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We do survive change, Jo, you're right. Whether it's forced on us or it's a choice we've made. I know you speak from the experiences you've lived though over the last decade or so. I really appreciate your input to the comments.

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