Apr 8Liked by Patricia Cusack

I am vegetarian most days, I eat chicken one day a week and occasionally fish. I feel best when I don't eat empty carbs, sticking with sprouted grain breads. Cake is tempting, but I just don't bring it home. Dairy is my weakness, but I worry about not getting enough protein!

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I know what you mean about the cake, Nancy, best not have temptation in the home! You're helping the planet by cutting back on meat. Getting enough protein is a worry but it's in more plant foods than you might imagine, I've found. Getting a variety helps build up the amount. Thanks so much for your comment.

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I am on a keto diet and I feel so much more energy over this last year. My brother suffered from epilepsy since he was a boy in the 50’s. My uncle while a colonel in the army discovered the keto diet long before it was called a keto diet. The diet was originally designed to help epileptics control their seizures. It worked wonders for him and it also contained his weight. So I have been on it for the last year and I can’t tell you the amazing difference my life has been cutting out most carbs from pasta and bread.

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What we eat is so important to our health and finding what suits us best is the way to go. It's good that you have found what suits you and gives you energy and that your brother was helped so much by this way of eating. I love bread but have to limit the amount I eat to keep my weight under control, sadly!

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I’ve learned no every eating plan works for everyone. I spend much time with an East Indian lady who understands Indian Ayurvedic medicine and how everyone is individual when it comes to nutritional needs.

The success of my eating habits come from allowing some sort of yummy each week. Like a hum burger with a real bun or a piece of cake. I relish it and ones enough.

I’m thrilled you found what works for you! Stay well! 🤗✨💞

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Mar 24Liked by Patricia Cusack

I gave up bread and dairy years ago and lost 2 stones. My joint health improved and I felt much less bloated. However, within the last few years, having moved back to the UK, I was not only not working, but I had no garden and developed a cake addiction. I have gone back up to 65 kilos. This year, I decided to reintroduce some bread and natural yogurt, stop refined sugar move breakfast to 10 am and eat savoury instead of cereal. I'm no longer bloated or have the terrible 3 pm crash. I do pilates via YouTube 5 times a week. My bloat has gone and I've lost inches. I'm much more toned and energetic. My next move is to introduce seeds and beans into our diet. My husband is a fisherman and I've just acquired an allotment (huge excitement). The Zoe people are bringing out a cookbook in the autumn so I shall definitely be having a look at that. We are 65 and in good health.

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It's so hard to resist the cake. When we are in the UK visiting family we are addicted to National Trust cream teas but we have to do a mighty long hike before we tuck in. My London based daughter loves Zoe.

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Mar 25Liked by Patricia Cusack

It's so much easier to resist when you don't live here! I got myself off cake by shifting breakfast til 10, eating something savoury and then going out immediately afterwards. That way I get in a long walk, have a coffee, and don't want cake.

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Lily, Like you, I developed an addiction for sweet things and this happened during the first lockdown. I was soon diagnosed with pre-diabetes! This prompted me to learn even more about diet so that I could reverse the diagnosis, which I did. I envy you your allotment, your own organic vegetable source! I'll be interested in the cookbook, let me know if it's full of useful and tempting recipes - I love cookbooks.

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